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After signing up with us, we will need the following documents from you.

Please download and fill out and make an appointment to submit the documents.

(you can download a PDF copy of each document by clicking on the title of the document)

Required Documents

1)Identification and Emergency Information

This is a basic information/emergency contact information sheet, and we cannot let your child be picked up from our daycare by people not included in the emergency contact. 

2)Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment

This form is consent for us to provide medical care in an emergency situation from a licensed physician/osteopath/dentist if required.

3)Child’s Health History

This form is for your child's health history. Please fill out thoroughly.

4)Nebulizer care consent/ Verification

If your child has asthma and/or any respiratory problems (or are not sure), please sign this form which allows us to administer inhaled medication in case of an emergency. This is separate from our Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment form, so please read this carefully and sign as well.

5)Parent Notification: Additional Child Care

This form states that Tsukushi Daycare is a legally licensed daycare. Please read thoroughly and sign.

6)Notification of Parents’ Right

This document states the rights you have as a parent while your child enrolls in our daycare.

7)Website Media Consent Form

We have a monthly photo gallery and newsletter (not open to public) that will contain photos and videos taken at the daycare, and this consent form states that photos/videos of your child can be posted on the website.

8)Immunization Record (Form PM286B)

This form can be received from your child's primary doctor. please bring the original as well as a copy.



1)Welcome to Tsukushi Daycare

This document contains information on what we do here at Tsukushi Daycare, what to bring, and other information regarding your child enrolling in our daycare.

2)Caregiver Background (LIC 995 E)

This document is proof that we have ran a background check on all employees and are legally permitted to work at our daycare. 

3)Consumer Awareness Information (LIC 995A)

This document is not required to be submitted, but please do read and sign, and keep it with documents regarding your child enrolling in our daycare.

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